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Exhibit 5 | Navigating the ABE Maturity Curve Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Getting the basics in place Scaling ABE capabilities Achieving operational integration 1 1 (48% of companies) (48% of companies) (4% of companies) • Focus on fewer accounts, • Expanding number of • Likely doing both strategic ABE Approach likely either one-to-one or accounts, adding elements and fully scaled ABE one-to-few ABE of scaled ABE • Marketing, sales and service • Marketing, sales, and service • Full, systematic marketing, sales, Organizational alignment on ABE objectives, coordinated execution and service integration alignment target accounts, and overall • ABE program office in place • Use of more centralized implementation plan approaches • Pilots launched • Building infrastructure to • More complex program • Marketing, sales, and service scale, e.g. tech, data, content, management coordinating, but still manual processes • Fully integrated tech and • Sales-driven account • Use of buying committee processes with integrated Operations prioritization targeting customer data • Bottom of funnel focus; still • Use of predictive models for • Greater use of data/tech for lead oriented, aggregating by account prioritization real-time, personalized account • Advanced web/email engagement • Basic web/email personalization personalization with greater • Full funnel omnichannel digital omnichannel optimization and offline optimization • Leveraging marketing • Using account-based ads, web • Use of integrated tools and data to Tech platforms automation, CRM, and personalization, and sales enable account-based lead-to-account mapping automation to scale orchestration engagement • Campaign/engagement focused • Goal achievement for target • Revenue tracking with advanced • Progress on data cleaning and accounts attribution to measure ABE Measurement integration • Cross-funnel measurement program ROI across activities • Rules-based attribution modeling • Increased account engagement • Demonstrable impact on • New growth trajectory for business and sales interactions revenue growth at priority • Increased share of wallet, higher Results • Initial impacts on deal velocity accounts customer satisfaction, and greater and pipeline growth • Improving win rate and lifetime value average deal size Sources: BCG discussions with B2B marketing and sales executives, Sep 2019-Jan 2020; BCG case experience. 1 Percentage of companies interviewed as a part the study at each stage of maturity. By now, marketing, sales, and service are coordinating operational activities more effectively. Companies have also started putting the infrastructure in place, consist- ing of the initial efforts to build and integrate the technology stack, implementing more sophisticated data management and integration approaches, creating scalable content processes, and linking activities and communications across functions. Do- ing so provides more sophisticated capabilities, such as the ability to generate in- Boston Consulting Group 13

BCG moving beyond ABM to account based engagement - Page 15 BCG moving beyond ABM to account based engagement Page 14 Page 16