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8 Among B2B marketers using ABM, the programs Percentage of ABM users who now account for more than a quarter of their total have had their program for: marketing budgets. This expense is worth it, as nearly half of ABM users say the programs deliver higher ROI 3+ years than comparable marketing methods. 17% Plus, the best may be yet to come, as the majority of marketers using ABM have only had their programs in 1–2 years place for less than a year. 32% less than one year ABM now accounts for 28% of 52% total user marketing budgets. Data Source ITSMA Percentage of ABM users who are experiencing the following: 77% 45% of ABM users are of ABM users are seeing at least achieving 10% or double ROI compared to greater ROI’ other marketing methods

B2B Marketing Trends - Page 9 B2B Marketing Trends Page 8 Page 10