The AI-driven interaction will automatically recommend the customer and a superior experience that builds brand loyalty. right content to the agent at the right time, including suggested Smarter service also allows a company to identify customer solutions, relevant cases, and best next actions. The agent can churn risks and thereby prevent customer attrition. Predictive introduce these actions to the customer in an organic way, intelligence can identify customers who are at risk for churn, rather than bombarding her with offers she doesn’t need. so that reps can renew or upsell with personalized offers. Once the issue is resolved, the agent could put a note in the Feeling neglected or ignored by a company, or forced to wade customer record instructing the system to reconnect with the through inefficient systems, is a sure way to alienate customers. customer on a regular basis and suggest relevant upsell and Companies that fail to apply AI to CRM will seem hopelessly cross-sell offers when appropriate. The continuous flow of mired in the past. customer data translates into a greater understanding of the “Ev entually, helpful AI features will be on the phone, in chat, email, and any other type of communication people use. These kinds of things will become commodities, and if you have highly accurate and helpful AI, people will love your services.” Richard Socher Chief Scientist, Salesforce 23

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