But with AI, service can actually anticipate a customer’s needs, rather than simply reacting to them. Long before Maria calls her brother, an AI-driven CRM would have been monitoring her package’s progress, and notified a 25% of customer service agent the moment it was delayed. That agent, in turn, could have reached out to Maria proactively, letting service leaders were her know when the package would arrive and offering her free same-day shipping on her next order. using predictive This is possible because the interaction doesn’t start analytics or when the customer picks up the phone, but rather happens on a constant, ongoing basis. The conversation best-next-action between customer and business is an interaction joined by the data the customer is producing on every digital functionality channel (from smartphone to connected devices to social media), and the solutions the company finds based in 2015 on that data. This solution may come before a problem even arises — and the customer. doesn’t have to make a — Salesforce Research call because service is right there already. AI for CRM: Everything You Need to Know 22

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