B UILD APPS FOR T HE APPEXCHANGE A ND TAP INTO A $110 BILLION OP PORTUNITY. The Salesforce AppExchange is the business app marketplace where you can sell your app. With more than 2,500 apps, AppExchange helps Salesforce customers be more productive, The information provided in this e- book is strictly for connected, and mobile. Visit the AppExchange to see the apps the convenience of our customers and is for general informational purposes only. Publication by salesforce. being built today. com does not constitute an endorsement. Salesforce.com does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained See how you can become a partner and build apps. within this e- book. Salesforce.com does not guarantee you will achieve any specific results if you follow any advice in the e- book. It may be advisable for you to consult with a professional such as a lawyer, accountant, architect, business advisor or professional engineer to get specific advice that applies to your specific situation. Visit our partner page > © 2014 Salesforce.com. All rights reserved.

8 Principles Behind a Successful Enterprise App Company - Page 12 8 Principles Behind a Successful Enterprise App Company Page 11