Do it Myself Trailhead CUSTOMER STORY Manulife drives learning and adoption with Trailhead. Motivating your teams to embrace and learn new technology isn’t always easy. However, Manulife – an international financial services provider known as John Hancock in the United States – welcomed the opportunity to drive adoption when upgrading a legacy, on-premise call center. Manulife implemented the Salesforce Platform to modernize its customer interactions on their journey to becoming a digital, customer-centric leader in their industry. To realize this ambition and unlock the full potential of Salesforce, Manulife focused on driving adoption and building up internal platform competencies. With Trailhead as the foundation, Manulife designed a custom six-month contest incentivizing employees to learn new skills by earning Trailhead badges and Salesforce certifications. Manulife’s employees quickly took to the challenge, finding it easy to access the right content for their skills and to showcase their learning progress. And the impact was immediate — a 250% increase in certifications and badges earned by employees, and expanded adoption of the platform. “Manulife’s journey to become a digital leader includes building our own team of Salesforce experts.” -Jonathan Cipryk, Assistant Vice President of Salesforce and Operations Engineering, Manulife 8 SALESFORCE CUSTOMER SUCCESS

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