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THE SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD CUSTOMER JOURNEY The chief marketing officer and their team at the The director of product marketing at the finance HLS company shared the difficulties the company shared: “A lot of the heavy lifting was organization had updating patient lists and on our team to understand the different metrics keeping them separate by location. This posed — they needed someone in an SME [subject several issues, such as patient records often matter expert] capacity to build the definitions being siloed across locations, preventing patients and build out the reports.” The organization from being able to manage or globally opt out of looked to Marketing Cloud to automate this. communications, and deliverability metrics issues • Legacy marketing tools lacked needed that stemmed from the opt-out issues. integrations. The chief marketing officer and Inefficient marketing processes and insufficient their team at the HLS organization shared: “[The technologies. legacy tool] didn’t have the technology readily • Legacy tools fell short of marketing available for us to connect to all our electronic automation goals. The director of marketing medical records.” operations at the digital marketing provider • Misalignment existed between marketing and shared one of their organization’s biggest hurdles sales/revenue functions. Two major to growth, saying: “Marketing automation is there departments for business success struggled with to help speed, to lead, and to nurture folks from holistic measurement and intercommunication. showing interest to an opportunity as fast as The director of marketing operations at the digital possible. [Our legacy tool] wasn’t able to achieve marketing provider shared: “The connection any of that.” between what was happening on the marketing • Manual efforts drove up total cost of side and on the revenue side weren’t really being ownership for legacy technology stack. The tied together or even being measured prior to director of product marketing at the finance Marketing Cloud.” company described their organization’s prior environment’s total cost of ownership for building a robust customer data model, saying, “The tools were good at providing the library of APIs to “Our legacy systems weren’t set ingest the data, but the level of resource up for email automation or commitment that was required after purchasing journey building. There was no was significantly higher in the prior environment way that we would ever have than in Marketing Cloud.” been able to automate any of our • Opaque results from marketing efforts emails with our [legacy] resulted in media waste. Of their organization’s technology set up.” prior marketing technology environment, the Chief marketing officer, HLS director of product marketing at the finance company shared: “The marketing happened in regions, so each region had their own dashboard. It was very hard to get a global view of marketing campaigns.” THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 7

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