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Analysis Of Benefits Quantified benefit data as applied to the composite Total Benefits Ref. Benefit Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Present Value Incremental profit from Atr improved customer $398,438 $637,500 $796,875 $1,832,813 $1,487,779 engagement Btr Incremental profit from $179,297 $669,375 $1,255,079 $2,103,751 $1,659,159 improved email journeys Incremental profit from Ctr improved website $232,422 $1,095,704 $1,333,438 $2,661,563 $2,118,664 engagement Marketing spend efficiency Dtr from business process $1,209,375 $2,055,375 $3,072,657 $6,337,407 $5,106,621 automation and optimization Etr Efficiencies in email $164,851 $164,851 $164,851 $494,554 $409,961 marketing campaigns Total benefits (risk-adjusted) $2,184,383 $4,622,805 $6,622,899 $13,430,087 $10,782,184 INCREMENTAL PROFIT FROM IMPROVED we have over 11 million records in our database. CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT As we grew and matured, we needed to unify the Evidence and data. Leveraging enterprise and customer data. We began tracking behavior from consumer data can deliver more compelling customer in-store to online and responses to social cases engagement. Serving as a waypoint for data, a and tied all of that data into one customer ID.” customer data platform centralizes customer The single view of the customer across touch information from multiple sources and makes it points was vital for the organization to take 2 advantage of the data. They continued: “We built available to systems of insight and engagement. and then enriched first-party data, which allows After adopting Marketing Cloud, interviewees retailers like us to build one-on-one relationships reported higher levels of engagement from new and with our customers. Our communications are existing customers while growing their operations into relevant and contextual and, therefore, new markets. Interviewees shared the following [customers] engage more with us.” stories of success related to customer engagement: • A single view of the customer enabled more • Unifying more customer data points enabled personalization and the creation of a loyalty better targeting, segmenting, and program. The president of digital experiences in contextualization. The president of digital the retail industry shared how leveraging experiences in the retail industry shared: “[Before Marketing Cloud boosted monthly active users, Salesforce] we had little customer data, only which represented 50% of all monthly engaged about 300,000 records in our database. Today customers. Their organization built a single view of the customer, and from that was able to gain THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 10

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 12 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 11 Page 13