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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS MARKETING SPEND EFFICIENCY FROM of administration involved in media buying while BUSINESS PROCESS AUTOMATION AND improving insights into performance. They said: OPTIMIZATION “[Marketing Cloud] has a data model all ready for Evidence and data. Budget waste occurs when digital media buying, which I find easy. That organizations lack the necessary transparency and means less importance is placed on us knowing speed to measure and optimize the true cost and all the data elements from more than one business impact of their advertising and marketing hundred APIs.” efforts. Marketers waste time, effort, and money and Modeling and assumptions. Based on the reap suboptimal marketing ROI by investing in interviewees’ experiences, Forrester assumes the campaigns and journeys without accurate following about the composite organization: measurement. On the other hand, marketing intelligence capabilities that automate data • The composite devotes four percent of its annual integration, reporting, insights, and analytics help revenues to digital marketing spend. In the prior marketing teams cut wasteful spending and allocate environment, this averaged around $20 million budget to the campaigns, platforms, channels, annually. However, with the increased content, and segments that most efficiently drive incremental revenue impact noted in Benefits A, business outcomes, such as leads, sales, B, and C, the composite grows this spend to $34 transactions, and sign-ups. million, $51 million, and $68 million in Years 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Interviewees using Marketing Cloud reported significant process efficiencies and insight-driven • With Marketing Cloud, the composite reductions in media waste. Marketing Cloud helped organization decreases media waste by 8%, 9%, interviewees’ organizations achieve significant and 10% in Years 1, 2, and 3, respectively, marketing spend efficiencies by driving the compared to the prior environment. effectiveness of their digital ad spend, increasing • Forrester considers 50% of this benefit a direct marketing ROI, and earning a larger share of future result of the Salesforce investment. This estimate budgets based on the optimized performance. accounts for other changes that take place during Interviewees shared the following examples: the three years under analysis, including • Measurement capabilities helped marketers macroeconomic factors and other investments in decrease media waste. The director of technology, people, and process. marketing operations at the digital marketing organization explained how automations enabled by Marketing Cloud empowered the team. They said: “Marketing Cloud has been a real game “With Marketing Cloud, we can changer for us on the analytics side. We have the see what is happening in almost ability to paint a better picture of our marketing real time. That prevents us from performance and we’re getting better at predicting future performance using their tools.” making knee-jerk decisions with our ad spend.” • Better insights enabled a focus on strategy over administrative tasks. The director of Director of marketing operations, product marketing at the finance company digital marketing explained how Marketing Cloud reduced the level THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 18

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 20 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 19 Page 21