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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS EFFICIENCIES IN EMAIL MARKETING segment them out by location, and then create CAMPAIGNS only one email versus a hundred. That freed up Evidence and data. Before Marketing Cloud, someone else’s time to do other things or we can interviewees described marketing functions that were do more campaigns.” separate across regions, franchises, and markets. • With Marketing Cloud, interviewees expanded Lacking a single view of the customer, they relied on into new channels to augment the reach of poor-quality customer lists that required too much their marketing programs and better align time for marketers to parse, clean, and segment. with customer preferences. In their prior Processes to build out assets and activate environments, most interviewees reported that campaigns also led to inefficiencies and inaccuracies, email was the only channel leveraged for as marketers relied on individuals in each market to customer outreach. With Marketing Cloud, customize campaign templates. however, their organizations were able to expand As a result, marketing efforts were often limited to into new channels, which enriched campaign email because teams lacked the resources to quality while mitigating the additional efforts to effectively support additional channels. Furthermore, take on the new channels. The marketing a lack of coordination in organizations’ prior manager in the retail industry shared: “We did a marketing environments contributed to excessive and two-month campaign with 21 different assets, often duplicative ad hoc requests for individualized seven emails, seven social posts, and website campaign evaluations. posts for each of our more than 200 franchisee individual websites. Because each of the stores Marketing Cloud helped interviewees streamline the is independently owned and operated, these process to launch and evaluate successful marketing campaigns are creating additional incremental campaigns. Compared to their prior environments, sales without them having to do anything interviewees reported saving time parsing and laborious. We’re just putting these things in place segmenting quality customer lists. Interviewees for them.” shared the following examples: • Marketing Cloud democratized post-campaign • Marketing Cloud automated key aspects of insights with a global console for the campaign build and activation phases. stakeholders across organizations. The The chief marketing officer at the HLS company director of product marketing at the finance noted how their team was mired by inefficient company described difficulties when pulling processes while executing marketing campaigns. information from multiple data sources before Because the organization had grown by a series Marketing Cloud. This hindered top-line visibility of acquisitions, some patients ended up on across different markets. Data democratization multiple lists for different locations without an with Marketing Cloud mitigated the number of ad automated way to deduplicate them. The hoc requests made for various report iterations. distributed organizational structure further led to Improvements in the user interface helped the inefficiencies when building out campaigns. They director of product marketing’s finance company shared: “Instead of creating one email, we’d have achieve time savings of 75% while building to create a hundred of the same email that varied campaign performance analyses. They by location. The transition to Marketing Cloud experienced further time savings by reducing the really benefited us. We were able to create and number of ad hoc reporting requests their team consolidate all of our patients onto one list, fielded compared to the prior marketing THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 20

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 22 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 21 Page 23