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1. Develop a Buyer Journey Map. Next, examine successful journeys where someone ended up purchasing. You can work backward to figure out what paths, content, touchpoints, and personas correlated with you winning the deal. Then create your own marketing buyer’s journey map of just the touchpoints where you can influence them. That vendor sends e a helpful guide v Decides to upgrade i t i sales tech s One vendor o Receives Purchase P responds venture funding immediately Asks friend for via chat e recommendations c Buying committee en Other vendors reply meets to decide i l er a p r x Far too many tools e eut Schedules calls with Demo s ’ N to evaluate major CRM vendors r e y u B One vendor e Google search not keeps calling v All vendors send i t very helpful a way too much g e information N Unaware Problem-aware Solution-aware Product-aware Evaluating Click here to plan your team’s journey

The B2B Marketer's Guide to Winning Customers and Providing Success - Page 6 The B2B Marketer's Guide to Winning Customers and Providing Success Page 5 Page 7