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State of the Connected Customer Country Profile: Germany 29 300 Consumers & 150 Business Buyers All Customers Business Buyers Consumers Customer Standards Hit All-Time Highs Customers Set New Benchmarks for Innovation Most companies fall short of my Companies need cutting-edge digital I expect companies to provide new expectations for a great experience 64% of all customers experiences to keep my business products/services more frequently than before 56% 54% 55% 45% say their standard for good customer 65% 60% 62% experiences is higher than ever 48% 52% I will pay more for a great experience recognize the good that can come from AI 62% 74% of all customers 47% of all customers 55% 71% believe AI presents good opportunities for society say the experience a company provides is as say AI is already or actively transforming 54% 57% important as its products/services their expectations of companies open to AI improving the customer experience 49% I’ve stopped buying from a company because recognize the good that can come from AI a competitor provided a better experience 75% of business buyers 50% of business buyers 61% 51% believe AI presents good opportunities for society 45% want the same experience as when they’re say AI is already or actively transforming 61% 55% their expectations of companies open to AI improving the customer experience buying for themselves 55% recognize the good that can come from AI 45% of consumers 53% Customers Dictate the Experiences They Want believe AI presents good opportunities for society say AI is already or actively transforming 51% their expectations of companies open to AI improving the customer experience 87% of all customers 11 channels are used, 10 channels are used, 46% say it’s very important for companies on average, by business buyers on average, by consumers A Data-Value Exchange Rises as Customer Trust Falls to treat them as a person, not a to communicate with companies to communicate with companies number, to win their business I’m confused about how companies I believe my personal info is vulnerable use my data to a security breach Percentage of Customers Who Use and Prefer the Following 43% 58% Channels When Communicating with Companies 36% 52% 47% 62% Online portals 24% 82% Mobile apps 25% 76% Top Actions That Increase Customer Trust Text/SMS 25% 74% Giving me control Vowing not to share Showing a commitment 66% over what information my information to protecting my Online communities 15% is collected about me without permission information Voice-activated personal assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa) 16% 46% Asking for my explicit Giving me control Vowing not to share consent to use my over what information my information Prefer to use Total use information is collected about me without permission Salesforce Research

State of  the Connected Customer - Page 29 State of the Connected Customer Page 28 Page 30