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State of the Connected Customer Country Profile: Canada 27 300 Consumers & 150 Business Buyers All Customers Business Buyers Consumers Customer Standards Hit All-Time Highs Customers Set New Benchmarks for Innovation Most companies fall short of my Companies need cutting-edge digital I expect companies to provide new expectations for a great experience 69% of all customers experiences to keep my business products/services more frequently than before 60% 52% 54% 49% say their standard for good customer 64% 65% 65% experiences is higher than ever 45% 49% I will pay more for a great experience recognize the good that can come from AI 69% 80% of all customers 44% of all customers 62% 74% believe AI presents good opportunities for society say the experience a company provides is as say AI is already or actively transforming 54% 67% important as its products/services their expectations of companies open to AI improving the customer experience 55% I’ve stopped buying from a company because recognize the good that can come from AI a competitor provided a better experience 78% of business buyers 52% of business buyers 67% 69% believe AI presents good opportunities for society 63% want the same experience as when they’re say AI is already or actively transforming 65% 72% their expectations of companies open to AI improving the customer experience buying for themselves 65% recognize the good that can come from AI 40% of consumers 59% Customers Dictate the Experiences They Want believe AI presents good opportunities for society say AI is already or actively transforming 49% their expectations of companies open to AI improving the customer experience 84% of all customers 11 channels are used, 9 channels are used, 50% say it’s very important for companies on average, by business buyers on average, by consumers A Data-Value Exchange Rises as Customer Trust Falls to treat them as a person, not a to communicate with companies to communicate with companies number, to win their business I’m confused about how companies I believe my personal info is vulnerable use my data to a security breach Percentage of Customers Who Use and Prefer the Following 44% 66% Channels When Communicating with Companies 33% 55% 50% 72% Online portals 42% 80% Mobile apps 41% 77% Top Actions That Increase Customer Trust Text/SMS 39% 74% Being transparent Giving me control Having a strong about how my over what information Online communities 26% 59% privacy policy information is used is collected about me Voice-activated personal assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa) 16% 44% Giving me control Being transparent Showing a commitment over what information Having a strong about how my Tie to protecting my Prefer to use Total use is collected about me privacy policy information is used information Salesforce Research

State of  the Connected Customer - Page 27 State of the Connected Customer Page 26 Page 28