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State of Marketing 04Marketing Embraces the AI Revolution 25 A separate survey found that only 26% of Roadblocks on the Path to More Intelligent Marketing business leaders (including marketing, sales, and service) have complete confidence in their While top marketing teams have privacy and data concerns around initiating AI, underperformers organization’s ability to define an AI business lack a defined AI strategy and the skill sets to back it up. strategy.* AI interest persists, but many are grappling with what it means for their business. And while AI is on the tip of marketers’ tongues, Primary Roadblocks Marketing Leaders Face in Executing an AI Strategy roadblocks still exist. The obstacles to executing an AI strategy High Performers Moderate Performers Underperformers vary by performance level. Top marketers are more likely to say their AI challenges include Customer privacy Budgetary Budgetary customer privacy concerns or wrangling 1 concerns constraints constraints data stored in separate systems. Meanwhile, moderate and underperforming teams say that their AI strategies are thwarted by budget constraints and lack of internal skill sets. Budgetary Customer privacy No defined AI 2 constraints concerns business strategy Data is stored in Lacking the right Lacking the right 3 disparate systems internal skill set internal skill set (e.g., too few data scientists) (e.g., too few data scientists) * AI Snapshot survey, Salesforce Research, February 2017. Salesforce Research

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