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03Marketing Tech Makes Waves State of Marketing 20 Leading teams also lean more heavily on an array High Performers Rely on Tech Stack for Collaboration and Productivity of marketing technology. High performers report using, on average, 15 out of the 17 tools and Top marketers see better results from their current tools and technologies. More than eight out of 10 technologies included in this survey compared high performers say their current tech stack is very effective at achieving the following attributes. to only eight for underperformers. This means top teams are 14x more likely to be heavy tech Percentage Who Say Their Current Technology Stack adopters. Even though top teams are using more * Is Extremely or Very Effective at Delivering the Following technologies, they’re making a greater effort to ensure the end messages they’re sending Collaboration across the business 30% 56% 88% 3.0x customers are more coordinated between (e.g., across sales, service, and marketing) more likely channels, as covered in section 1. 27% 55% 88% 3.2x Zooming in on the specifics of their technology Collaboration across marketing functions more likely stack, top teams’ current tools are significantly 36% 61% 86% 2.4x more effective. For instance, high performers are Increased productivity more likely 3x more likely than underperformers to say their current tech stack is very effective at driving 31% 59% 86% 2.8x collaboration across the business (e.g., sales, Better analytic insights more likely service, and marketing). They’re also 2.4x more Improved marketing efficiencies 32% 58% 86% 2.6x likely to say their current tech stack is very (e.g., automating tasks, etc.) more likely effective at increasing productivity. 35% 58% 86% 2.4x More efficient spending more likely 32% 59% 85% 2.7x More cohesive view of customer data more likely High performers Moderate performers Underperformers * This is a partial list. Please refer to the Appendix for complete data. Salesforce Research

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