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01Marketers Move to Evolve Journeys, State of Marketing 11 but Data Woes Linger Coordinating marketing across channels is easier Most Marketers Broadcast Identical Messages across Channels said than done. The gold standard for a customer journey is that each subsequent message Most marketers say about half of their campaign messages are identical broadcasts builds on the customer’s actions to evolve from one channel to the next. communications in a true 1-to-1 experience. But the reality is marketers say only about a quarter Extent to Which Marketers Coordinate Messages of their messages evolve from channel to in the Following Channels with Other Channels channel in this highly personalized way. Social media marketing 33% 48% Most marketers say about half (51%) of their campaign messages are identical broadcasts Website 31% 50% from one channel to the next. This approach is 30% 51% akin to the early days of email marketing, when a Advertising on social platforms “spray and pray” mindset was the norm. But with 29% 51% customer expectations for personalization on the Email rise, static messages can give the impression that 29% 49% a company doesn’t see customers as individuals. Customer communities For example, if a customer has already purchased Video advertising 28% 53% a necklace via an email offer, but continues to see the exact same necklace advertised on Mobile marketing 27% 51% social platforms, the customer could infer that 27% 51% the company doesn’t know (or care) that she Paid search already purchased the item and doesn’t value 25% 54% her business. Display/banner ads Native advertising/sponsored content 25% 54% High performers are twice as likely as underperformers to evolve messages across Organic search 25% 53% channels — but still only 43% currently do. Leveraging customer data to deliver Messages evolve across channels based on customer actions hyper-relevant experiences takes a new level Identical messages are broadcast across channels of marketing intelligence, which section 4 covers in more detail (see page 23). Salesforce Research

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