State of IT in Europe Introduction 6 European IT Faces Unprecedented Change Key technological priorities for European European Customers Expect Consistency across Digital Channels organisations include AI that helps them anticipate and Business Units customer needs and personalise service; and low- Customers demand the same experience every time they deal with a company — whether through code development platforms that allow them social customer service, mobile marketing messages or in-person sales interactions. to keep pace with customers’ appetite for the latest and greatest apps. In Europe, IT leaders are making it a priority to empower employees by Business Buyers Consumers adopting technologies that can impact both their experience and productivity. As such, IT teams are consolidating information to create a shared, single view of each customer’s data across the business. Shifting focus to business empowerment, innovation 83% 69% and disruption is not without challenges. In Europe, 83% of business buyers and 69% of consumers say they expect companies to provide a consistent of European business of European consumers experience wherever they engage with them. But buyers expect companies expect companies to provide at every step towards making this happen, IT is on to provide a consistent a consistent experience high alert regarding cyber attacks, security and data experience wherever they wherever they engage privacy, and the skills shortage in the marketplace. engage with them with them They’re acutely aware that today’s technology allows customers to easily and efficiently switch brands if a company fails at its role of guardian. Salesforce Research All data on this page comes from “State of the Connected Customer,” Salesforce Research, October 2016.

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