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STRUCTURING YOUR APPROACH Business Units May Operate at Different Speeds Different businesses, industries, and Readiness geographies will operate at different paces. Even within your company, it’s possible for Track 1 one part of the business, like a department Stabilize or region, to be within its own track. Time Track 2 Reopen Track 3 For example, one business unit may be struggling Grow to stabilize because its leaders don’t have easy information access or processes to make fast operating decisions. In those cases, teams will spend more time stabilizing before embarking on an effort to return to the workplace. On the other hand, some organizations will already be well into a massive growth phase because they were born digital or the current market has increased demand for their products and services. The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 9

Salesforce: The COVID-19 Response Playbook - Page 9 Salesforce: The COVID-19 Response Playbook Page 8 Page 10