REOPEN How You Serve Empathy and a culture of giving start at the corporate level. Enable and empower employees to serve society as you reopen and emerge from crisis. Support local Society communities and give back through equity, product, and time. And reconsider your company’s environmental impact in everything you do post-crisis. Demonstrate empathy Operationalize your Double down on sustainability within your community. culture of giving. as you emerge from crisis. Locally identify community needs and Programmatize volunteer management Establish sustainability as a key decision broadcast how to help. to match volunteers with organizations, track factor in all post-crisis investments, including volunteer hours, and report impact. real estate vs. remote work and corporate Make it easy for local teams to coalesce travel policies. and serve local needs. Expand grant management program to include feedback on impact and Rethink your geographical centers and Form local partnerships with opportunities for volunteering. consider moving to “second (or third) cities” schools, hospitals, and other critical to close the wealth gap and allay health community resources. Sense and respond to new ideas from concerns within dense urban areas. employees to refresh ways to serve, volunteer, Invest in reskilling and upskilling your and donate. Share data responsibly for good with community by providing free training and trusted global organizations focused on guidance on market-relevant skills. Commit to providing career development societal change. opportunities for highly skilled and Communicate your impact locally under-credentialed candidates as the and transparently, truthfully, and economy recovers. with compassion. The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 24

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