INTRODUCTION intro Be a better B2B marketer. In early 2015, Salesforce conducted a survey of more than Whether you’re building a B2B marketing strategy from the 2,100 global marketers to better understand the current ground up or you’re working to perfect the strategy you state of B2B marketing. The results proved that B2B already have in place, you’ll find valuable insights on how to: marketers are as time-strapped as ever, and consistently grapple with three main challenges: new business • build effective and measurable lead generation development, lead quality, and lead generation. campaigns But that’s not all that B2B marketers have on their plates. • qualify and assign leads to sales — at the right time The emphasis on a more cohesive, personalized selling • increase the value of your database using targeted process is growing, leading many marketers to increase nurturing programs their investments in technologies that can help them • create engaging emails that resonate with your target create 1:1 buying experiences. Marketers now own more of audience the lead-to-revenue cycle than ever and are responsible • develop a content strategy that supports your overall for engaging with buyers throughout the entire customer business goals lifecycle. • build a webinar and event marketing strategy from In an increasingly digital and data-driven world, this the ground up means more than well-timed emails and the occasional • engage with your target audiences over social media clever Tweet. Marketers need to think bigger — and this in an authentic way e-book can help. • report on the success of your marketing initiatives The following chapters will guide B2B marketers through Start your journey to becoming an even better B2B marketer. the eight main pillars of digital marketing, with checklists Let’s dive in! and worksheets provided at the end of each chapter. 3 / Pardot

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