5. The visitor eventually converts and provides 5 IMPORTAnT ROI MeTRICS their information, typically via a form submission. Access to powerful closed-loop reporting technologies 6. The visitor’s previous activity is retroactively has left one question on many marketers’ minds: which assigned to their new lead profile. metrics should be prioritized to showcase success? 7. When that visitor becomes a customer, the Start by reviewing the Better B2B Metrics chart linked original point of contact is credited. to on the following page to see which vanity metrics you can trade for more meaningful ROI metrics. Then, 70% of B2B marketers cite a take a look at the list below for an overview of a few lack of resources metrics that the C-suite actually wants to see — and to execute as how to calculate them. Keep in mind that some of these the biggest obstacle to investing metrics may be better suited to your business and in analytics. marketing program structure than others. - Regalix 2015 for a look at more specific email and content marketing This type of reporting makes it possible to distinguish metrics, refer to the checklists at the end of this marketing-sourced deals from sales-sourced deals, chapter. helping marketers prove their accountability to the rest of the organization. 86% of B2B marketers feel that marketing analytics are very important to the success of their marketing programs. - Regalix 2015 73 / Pardot

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