We’ve outlined appropriate use cases, a suggested • Are there certain pages on your site, or certain cadence, and sample messaging to help you get started actions a prospect could take, that would with three popular types of campaigns. indicate that a prospect is ready to talk? What are these actions? • net new lead nurturing program • Sales nurturing program find a few resources that could be helpful for someone in the beginning stages of researching • Cold lead nurturing program your product, write up a few short emails, and build out a simple nurturing track with minimal branching. Additionally, the campaign worksheet included in Be sure to include calls-to-action and links that can this chapter can help you identify the key variables at indicate that a prospect is ready to take the next step, each stage of a nurturing campaign, making it easy so that you can get prospects in front of a rep the to understand how all the pieces fit together into one moment they’re ready to talk. coherent message. By placing colder leads on this nurturing track, you INvOLvE YOUR SALES TEAm — FROm THE ensure that leads are more educated by the time they START speak with a sales rep — and that your hard-earned If you’re just getting ramped up with lead nurturing, marketing-sourced leads don’t go to waste just start with basic campaigns and expand over time based because they aren’t yet sales-ready. on the results you see. This process should also start with input from your sales team. BUILD OUT A COMPLeTe nURTURInG Have a sales rep walk you through your typical buying PROGRAM cycle and common roadblocks they see, including: As you become more comfortable creating lead nurturing campaigns, you can begin to explore more • What questions are prospects asking as they use cases. Take a look at some of the options below learn about your product? to see if any are compatible with your business goals. (notice that many use cases extend beyond the sales • What are the pain points prospects wish to see process.) addressed? 24 / Pardot

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