CHAPTER THREE three Be better at lead nurturing. One of the most noteworthy developments in wHY LEAD NURTURING? marketing technology is lead nurturing (also referred effective sales and marketing is all about relationships. to as “drip marketing”), which allows marketers to Both departments need to be creating and sustaining automatically distribute targeted marketing content to meaningful communications that focus on providing leads over time. In fact, according to Regalix, 82% of value and support. Although this is a change from the B2B marketing executives indicate that lead nurturing is traditional sales and marketing playbooks, lead nurturing their number one marketing automation objective. makes this important aspect of the sales process easier and more effective. With the ability to achieve one-to-one personalization on a scalable level, many marketers are realizing 79% of marketing leads never how pivotal lead nurturing is to a customer-centric marketing strategy. Building and sustaining meaningful convert into sales. Lack of lead (and profitable!) relationships with buyers can create a nurturing is the most common substantial revenue stream from the leads you already have in your database without adding additional work cause of this poor performance. or responsibilities to your department. - MarketingSherpa Creating lead nurturing campaigns that work must start with the right processes. Depending on your level of experience, this chapter can help you lay the groundwork for successful nurturing campaigns or help you improve the processes you already have in place. 22 / Pardot

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