year, and see what percentage of them started as contributes to your overall sales and marketing a marketing-sourced lead. This is a great indicator costs. Then, divide that by the number of new of how marketing is impacting overall customer customers in that time period. acquisition. 5. The Percent of Customers Influenced by 3. The Ratio of Pipeline to Spend Marketing For every dollar spent by marketing, how much What percentage of acquired customers interacted pipe was created? with your marketing programs? The pipeline-to-spend ratio compares the cost The percentage of customers directly sourced of each campaign to the opportunities that were by marketing is a great metric to have, but some sourced by that campaign. To get this metric, sum people are equally or more interested in marketing up the ACv of all of the opportunities sourced by a influence. The percentage of customers influenced specific campaign and compare that number with by marketing instead looks at how many the total spend. In order to say that the campaign customers were touched by marketing at any was a success, you’ll want at least a one-to-one point during the sales process. These leads don’t ratio. need to be sourced by marketing, just influenced by a marketing program at some point during the 4. Customer Acquisition Cost customer acquisition process. How much does it cost you to acquire a customer? each of these five metrics will give your CeO a much While you typically want all of the metrics on this more accurate (and meaningful) picture of marketing list to trend upward, the same doesn’t apply to performance. Take a look at the KPI calculations your customer acquisition cost — which means worksheets at the end of this chapter for help calculating this metric is definitely worth monitoring. A rise in these metrics, and refer to the reporting checklists on the the cost to acquire customers should be a red flag. following pages to get some ideas for additional metrics To calculate your customer acquisition cost for a to track for your various marketing efforts. Good luck! certain time period, add up all of the campaign spending, advertising costs, sales and marketing salaries (or commissions) — anything that 75 / Pardot

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