wORKSHEET FIvE The Better Blogging Checklist There are thousands of pieces of content published each day, which makes cutting through the clutter a challenge. Provide takeaways. Writing for the sake of writing Get your title right. With so many pieces of just doesn’t cut it. Your blog posts need to excite, content competing for consumers’ attention, the inspire, and engage your audience. Provide real importance of your title can’t be understated. takeaways that a reader can put to use in all of Spend some time perfecting your titles so they your posts. pique a reader’s interest. Design for readers. The way we read content Do your research. A blog post’s topic may capture has changed. Readers no longer want to read your readers’ attention, but research and trustworthy your post from beginning to end. Provide short sources will add credibility to your writing. paragraphs, bold headings, lists, and images wherever possible. Be passionate. Passion is contagious. If you Optimize. no matter how the marketing landscape aren’t excited about a blog topic, your audience evolves, SeO will always be a key tactic in making won’t be either. Don’t be afraid to show your your content and company visible. Always take time enthusiasm in your writing. Your readers will to research and optimize for the right keywords. thank you for it. 51 / Pardot

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