SPECULSPECULAATIVE FUTURES #2TIVE FUTURES #6 EINSTEIN SERGEANT PEPPER What if agents “My real genius is making “Last task, 3 minutes. GO!” widen the your customers happy.” Struggling with gap? Customize Einstein with the procrastination? skills and tools you need to Need some motivation? get the job done. Add pepper. Meet DIGITAL My YENTA “I’m a spicy matchmaker Crew here to save you from swiping.” LULU Tao is a Manila- Keeping your love based marketer/ life in check... product designer. He uses personal AIs for “Feeling creatively stuck productivity, production, on a design?” recreation, and everything in between. She may never give you Tao shares his favorite AIs the answer you expect, on Meet My Crew. but you might 昀椀nd the answer you need. DR. JULIA SILVA “Talk to me anytime, day or night.” The real Dr. Silva will learn from your conversations so that your next visit with her is even more useful.

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