SALESFORSALESFORCE FUTURESCE FUTURES IN CONCLUSION This framework allows us to imagine with greater clarity a set of plausible, How will relevant, and challenging futures, with agents shape a particular focus on how personal AI may revolutionize the relationship our world? between customers and companies. Next, we explore three pairs of scenarios Our goal has been to equip around the following questions: Will agents you with a framework for level the playing field or widen the gap? understanding where personal Who pays for agents? Will we get our agents from new or existing providers? AI agents are today and the most critical uncertainties that will Turn to the following section, Imagining need to resolve for the category Personal AI Futures, to see how different to truly emerge. But the question answers to these questions might result of how feasible, desirable, and in very different futures, experience what those futures might look and feel like, viable personal agents will and learn the key questions and strategic only be answered over time. implications businesses should consider. ISSUE 1: PERSONAL AI | 26

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