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1 SALESFORCE FUTURES ANTICIPATING PERSONAL AGENTS: FEASIBILITY DOING Research and Insights team recently So far, we’ve outlined how knowledge, argued convincingly for the importance context, memory, persistence, and of keeping a human in the loop with new reasoning might combine to deliver a truly AI innovations— particularly in the short- transformative personal agent. The copilot term to ensure trust. Salesforce’s Office concept is well established, and we see early of Ethical and Humane Use (OEHU) has examples making their way into the market, argued repeatedly for “humans at the especially the enterprise software space. helm” until we’ve cultivated trust and enabled users to learn the technology. Arguably, the most Now, let’s consider some potential future groundbreaking result of all use cases for these action-oriented agents, these capabilities coming how we could oversee their functions, together will be, per Ninja AI, and why, if our predictions prove accurate, “autopilot”, or the ability of they will revolutionize our work lives, our agents to take action and get personal lives, and customer experiences. things done without requiring the user’s attention or even explicit command. Salesforce Chief Scientist Silvio Savarese is pioneering the concept of Large-Action Models (LAMs) which will have the ability to “automate entire processes” by combining “the linguistic fluency of an LLM with the ability to accomplish tasks and make decisions independently.” Savarese believes these changes will elevate AI “from a passive tool…to an active partner in getting work done in real time.” Autonomous autopilots are the source of a lot of interest and fascination, but they’re currently operating at a much more experimental level that underscores the difficulty of jumping from human in the loop to true autonomy. There is good reason to take this transition slowly. Holly Prouty from Salesforce’s cross-cloud ISSUE 1: PERSONAL AI | 13

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