Marketing Trends across Financial Services 14 Intelligent Marketing Tech Tops the Charts for Anticipated Growth Looking ahead, consumers have high hopes for Top Financial Services Marketing ogy impacting businesses in the financial technol Technologies with the Highest Anticipated serv ices sector. Sixty- eight percent of consumers Growth Rates in the Next Two Years** believe advancements in technology will posit ively impact their relationships with banks and insurance Anticipated Artificial intelligence (AI) G prov iders by 2020.* When it comes to mapping and rowth managing the customer journey, marketers are turning 58% 28°/o +49°/o ogy to lighten their workload. Although to technol Internet ofThings (loT) I connected devices banking, capital marke ts, insurance, and wealth 71% 22°/o management companies aren't new business models, many plan on branching out with new technologies over Guided selling the next two years . 69% 22°/o Marke ters in financial seNices expec t that artificial Mobile campaign management intelli gence (AI) and the Internet of Things (loT) will see 70% 21°/o +30°/o tremendous growth in the next two years (49% and Lead nurturing and scoring tools 32%, respec tively). 70% 21°/o +30°/o The Internet of Things/connected devices is the top Marketing analytics/ measurement tools technology that insurance marketing leaders say is 73% 22°/o +30°/o essen tial to creating 1-to-1 marke ting across abso lutely Data targeting and segmentation every touchpoint. 74% 21°/o Marketing automation platform By 2020, 61 °/o of consumers anticipate 72% 20°/o smart/connected vehicles would have Social publishing tools a major or moderate impact on their 72% 20°/o daily life.* Email campaign management 72% 20°/o +27°/o • Currently use • Plan to use within two years • State of the Connected Customer survey, Salesforce Research, •• Partial list. une 2016. Data may or may not be represented in the J "State of the Connected Customer" report. Salesforce Research

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