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DETAILED FINDINGS: 03 | Data Integration and Management Time is a critical resource for marketers because successful marketing Instead of analyzing their data, 57% of marketers are spending must move at the pace of customers. Fifty-six percent of customers a week or more each month solely on harmonizing data. This expect to find whatever they need from a company in three clicks or is valuable time that could be spent on insight generation and less, and 71% of customers expect companies to communicate with campaign optimization. * Marketers need to make decisions on the fly, and them in real-time. significant time can be lost with manual data integrations. Despite marketers spending a week or more each month on data harmonization, this has not led to resounding confidence in data accuracy. Time Spent Harmonizing Data for Reporting/Analysis A mere 16% of marketers are very confident in the accuracy of their data. 38% This is perhaps due to the default manual processes being prone to 32% errors. Without accurate data, marketers are handcuffed in their ability to achieve success, regardless of their goals. 14% While accurate and timely understanding of both their customers and 11% their data is essential, the next step is to activate this data across the 5% customer journey with the right analytics and optimization strategy. 1 day each A few days 1 week More than a Continuously month each month each month week each every week month each month * "State of Connected Customer Report," June 2019 15

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