Chapter 3: Build One Team Around the Customer Get started: Make a plan with internal stakeholders To start to make this discipline a reality, share your goals and KPIs with peers outside your team — Move from optimizing To optimizing outcomes that even those that don’t normally work together. by function... matter to the customer... Explore how you can help each other, and find goals you can share. Celebrate successes as a broader team as you step away from partitioned, traditional responsibilities. Specialization by department Cross-functional collaboration Review the following list. How can you move from the department-specific approaches on the left to the customer-first set on the right? Metrics by department Shared success metrics Have you listened to all perspectives, especially from those who are on the front lines with customers every day? Who is responsible for designing the end-to-end Rigid, hierarchical org structures Flatter, more flexible teams customer experience and where are the internal bottlenecks? Serve shareholders Mobilized ecosystem of stakeholders The Customer 360 Playbook 13

Customer 360 Playbook - Page 13 Customer 360 Playbook Page 12 Page 14