Exhibit 2 | ABE Acts as a Forcing Function to Align Marketing, Sales, and Service Marketing role Sales role Service role • Analytics to drive data-driven • Relationship-based customer insights • Customer product usage/ customer insights and prioritization and prioritization support-based customer insights • Online buying journey design • Account sales engagement plans • Customer success plans • Omnichannel personalization and • Sales engagement strategy and • Customer engagement campaigns tactics • Service tactics and performance • Full funnel digital engagement and • Sales execution and performance measurement performance measurement measurement • Service intelligence back to • Marketing intelligence to sales • Opportunity development, deal marketing and sales • Pipeline contribution, sales conversion, account penetration • Customer satisfaction, retention, acceleration, account penetration cross-/up-sell support Account-Based Engagement: Shared Responsibility for Cross-Functional Integration • Aligning on ABE • Joint account planning • Building integrated infrastructure, goals and approaches based on customer insights data, and analytics • Developing ways of working that • Seamless, integrated, personalized • End-to-end performance measurement promote cross-functional alignment, customer experiences leveraging for ABE accounts (reporting on communication, and collaboration customer intelligence across functions engagement, pipeline, revenue, retention) Source: BCG discussions with B2B marketing and sales executives, Sep 2019-Jan 2020. Moreover, ABE can be deployed across the customer journey to drive more benefits, such as increased customer satisfaction, retention, advocacy, and, ultimately, growth in customer lifetime value. That level of integration isn’t easy to accomplish but is well worth the effort. In the words of a former head of marketing and AI for a ma- jor information services company: “We recognize that a paradigm shift is happen- ing. Customer expectations are changing, which affects marketing, sales, and ser- vice. That required a massive shift in our thinking and took vast effort across all three functions to respond. It ultimately provided tremendous benefits.” Most studies find that ABE programs deliver results. Among marketers who use such programs, 97% say they experienced a higher return on investment, according to the Altera Group. In its 2019 benchmarking study, the Information Technology Services Marketing Association (ITSMA) found that 92% of respondents using ac- count-based programs saw a positive impact on account engagement, 83% wit- nessed a positive impact on pipeline growth, and 72% reported an uplift in revenue growth. And, according to an earlier ITSMA study, these programs delivered “the highest return on investment of any B2B marketing strategy or tactic, primarily through higher close rates and average deal size, and, ultimately, greater customer lifetime value.” ABE’s value will only rise as companies scale their programs. Our study confirms this: we found a great deal of anecdotal evidence that the ABE leaders have real- ized major gains in account engagement, customer acquisition, pipeline growth, 8 Moving Beyond ABM to Account-Based Engagement

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