From the beginning, though, we dreamed of computers This is why, while the idea isn’t new, true AI is only now that could do more than the mundane. In 1956, Prof. John becoming a reality. The data models came first, with McCarthy coined the term “artificial intelligence,” describing simple if-this-then-that logic evolving into increasingly a world in which machines could “solve the kinds of complex problem-solving algorithms. The idea of problems now reserved for humans.” machine learning is simple: But in order to move from simple computing to true AI, computers needed three things: start with a data model, feed it tons of data, Data models Raw data Processing and let to intelligently to feed the power it learn. classify, process, models so to drive fast, and analyze data they can keep efficient improving computing The more data the machine processes, and the more computing power it has, the faster and smarter it gets. AI for CRM: Everything You Need to Know 8

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