INTRODUCTION An enterprise app company is a company that typically builds and sells B2B application- specific software. And more often than not, they aren’t just building an app, they’re also building a business. While there’s no magic formula for ensuring your company hits milestones such as adding customers, becoming profitable, and even filing for an IPO, there are best practices to consider that will get your organization on the right path to becoming a successful company. This e-book will take you through eight principles that can help you build a more successful app company: 1 t Choose One Direction 2 t Get Started, Fast 3 t Build the Product Quickly 4 “The app economy has created at least t Don’t Compromise for One Customer 5 500,000 U.S. jobs and will grow from t Hire Engineers 6 a $25 billion marketplace in 2013 to t Choose the Distribution Channel 7 t Hire for Customer Growth 8 $46 billion in 2016.” — Mobile Future t Utilize Technology Partners

8 Principles Behind a Successful Enterprise App Company - Page 2 8 Principles Behind a Successful Enterprise App Company Page 1 Page 3